Lesson 11 ~ Second Week February
Background Reading:
1 Kings 15:2; Ezekiel 16:4344; Matthew 10:35, 14:8
Devotional Reading:
Exodus 2:1-10
Central Verse:
“Behold, everyone that useth proverbs shall use this proverb against thee, saying, As is the mother, so is her daughter.”
Ezekiel 16:44, KJV
“Everyone who makes up proverbs will say of you, “Like mother, like daughter.”
Ezekiel 16:44, NLT
Key Terms:
Fraught– Full of or accompanied by something specified.
Reconcile– To restore to friendship or harmony; to settle by agreement.
Variance– The fact, quality, or state of being able to vary or differ.
It is a natural thing for mothers to love their daughters. It doesn’t matter how much a mother loves her daughter she cannot be a perfect parent, because that is God’s job. Only He is perfect. The thing that a mother can do is train her daughter in the best way that she knows, and a daughter should bring her needs to God in prayer. Prayer will invite the power of God into the daughter’s life, and this will cause her to become stronger, wiser, happier and at peace with herself and her parent.
As much as a mother loves her daughter, she must understand that Jesus loves her more. That is one of the reasons He wants the mother to take time and teach her daughter what the Word promises her. Jesus wants every daughter empowered by His precious Word and the many promises that He has made. He knows that mothers have the love and compassion to tenderly teach their daughters how to love and serve Him. When people brought young children to Him to be blessed, He told them to let the little children come to Him, and not to stop them but provide guidance for them so that they may come. The mother should have the kind of relationship with her daughter that she can give her a thought inspired by the scriptures, which will give gentle guidance and prayer for whatever the day may bring. She knows how to influence her daughter so her soul can be strengthened, her head lifted, and her joy increased.
A good mother and daughter relationship should allow the mother to speak into her daughter’s life, giving Godly advice, encouragement, and motherly love from a place that others cannot. Motherhood is one of life’s most joyful, yet most challenging gifts, and only God can help a mother to get it right.
There is much said about mothers and daughters in the scriptures. Any woman who has had a good mother knows the value of a good mother-and-daughter relationship. A good mother knows how to help her daughter possess confidence, live free from insecurity, and not compare herself to unrealistic ideals. She knows how to give guidance so that her daughter may see herself as God sees her — beautiful and wonderfully made, a special jewel, with great potentiality. Where there are confident mothers, there will be confident daughters.
Sometimes because of misunderstanding, relationships between mothers and daughters can be fraught with hurt, tension, and miscommunications. But a wise mother will know how to speak life into that relationship with powerful words that will usher in healing for their wounded hearts and rebuild, restore, and reconcile their connection. It is alright to say, “I’m sorry.” Jesus said in Matthew 10:35 that He came to set at variance “the daughter against her mother.”
Mothers must learn to take one day at a time, or one moment at a time, knowing that they are living in a technology-driven, fast-paced world. They must remember that daughters of this era only know of this technological age. Their minds cannot conceive some of the concepts or methods that were common for their mothers. So, mothers must pray and ask God for wisdom on how to deal with them in many areas.
Mothers and daughters alike must always remember that neither of them is a mind-reader. Realizing that, unless they speak what they are feeling or thinking, they can’t assume that the other one knows their thoughts or feelings. So, sometimes they will need help from God or other people to navigate their relationship. Whether the struggle is one of feeling unseen, unheard, or undervalued, they will sometimes put Biblical wisdom to work in their lives. The mother-daughter relationship can be one of the most rewarding, precious, and wonderful female-centered relationships that anyone could ever enjoy. Now, there are times when it can become confusing and a bit messy, but as they grow closer to each other and to Christ, He will help them to create beauty out of ashes. For beauty can be found in life’s imperfect moments when God is allowed to participate. God made mothers to support daughters on their womanhood journey and to help them become the women that they were created to be. God needs daughters who will have hearts tender enough to rock babies in the still of the night, when necessary, but strong enough to let them spread their wings and fly.
We have the story of Jochebed, a Hebrew, the daughter of Levi and the mother of Miriam, Aaron, and Moses. She was the wife of Amram, as well as his aunt. Jochebed was a slave in Egypt and was one of the descendants of Israel that was being oppressed. The Pharaoh had decreed that all their baby boys were to be killed, because he feared that they might become too powerful. When Moses was born, Jochebed hid him for three months until she could no longer do so.
Jochebed must have had a good relationship with her daughter Miriam; for when she could hide Moses no longer, she waterproofed a basket and put the child in it. She and her daughter took it to the Nile River and released him in the flow of the river. They placed it in the area where Pharaoh’s daughter” would usually take her bath. Jochebed probably had a very good talk with Miriam and gave her instructions about what to do if Pharaoh’s daughter came to bathe, and she left her there to watch over him.
As they had suspected, Pharaoh’s daughter came to bathe in the river, saw the basket, and heard the baby’s cry. She had the basket rescued and saw that it was a Hebrew baby. She was moved with compassion when she saw him and decided to adopt him. The sister of the baby came forward and suggested that she find a Hebrew woman to nurse him. Pharaoh’s daughter agreed and Miriam called her mother, who was asked to take care of him. Jochebed nursed her son until he was old enough to be brought to Pharaoh’s daughter who adopted him as her son. Because of a mother and daughter’s teamwork, Moses grew up and was educated in Pharaoh’s house. He later became the leader of God’s people and led them out of Egypt.
1. Name something special about a mother-daughter relationship.
2. What makes a mother-daughter relationship good?
3. What can a mother do to help their daughter grow?
4. Who was Jochebed, and what did she and her daughter do that was notable?
Essential Thought:
“The daughter can be as great as the mother; for as the mother is, so is the daughter.”